Amended the technology licensing agreement with the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) for 7 technologies, including the component-based sequencing layer software architecture for intelligent robots
Signed a family company agreement with Korea University of Technology and Education
Signed a business agreement with Ewha Womans University Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation (Collaboration and talent exchange through the AI convergence master's and doctoral training program)
Selected as an Outstanding Exhibitor at the Industrial Technology R&D Exhibition
Selected as a leading company driving the Fourth Industrial Revolution in the humanoid sector (by Money Today)
Signed a technology transfer agreement with Gachon University (Healthcare conversation data, processing technology know-how, and related patents)
Signed a technology transfer agreement with Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) for exclusive and non-exclusive licenses on 7 patents, including a walking analysis system and method
Received a Certificate of Commendation from the Governor of Gyeonggi Province (December 28, 2022)
Won the 2022 RoboWorld Excellent Product of the Year Award for 'Bomi2'
Selected for Seongnam City's Demand-Customized Service Robot Development and Distribution Project with 'Bomi2' (Verifying the effectiveness and safety of welfare services using AI care robots)